The always insightful Philip Hodgets has a great post on his blog that asks Why are most post production workflows inefficient?
iPhone App:
iPodcaStudio allows you to record, edit, and transfer audio. The audio editing supposedly goes way beyond simple trimming. You can transfer the audio files via WiFi, email, or FTP. FTP transfer works on WiFi and cellular networks. Hopefully the product managers for Soundtrack Pro, Garageband, Pro Tools, Sound Booth and Logic are furiously toiling away on mobile versions of there desktop apps. In the meantime, if you want to do some serious music production on your iPhone I highly recommend Beat Maker by Intuit. At $20 it's probably the most expensive music app in the iTunes store but it's also peerless.
The guys over at Video CoPilot have a new plug-in called Reflection. It lets you quickly make a reflection for objects similar to what you see all the time in iTunes or when you use the coverflow folder mode on Macs. I also want to add that I have a love-hate relationship with plug-ins because they always have the potential to make us editors lazy. So I recommend that as much as possible you try to understand how plug-ins that you use actually work. To that point Video CoPilot also offer a tutorial on how to do reflections in After Effects.
I got a chance to listen to a great demo by AJA at the latest SF Cutters meeting. It was about their new AJA Ki Pro box. It's a pretty cool tapeless recorder that captures Pro Res 4:2:2 and has almost every I/O imaginable including built-in WiFi and Ethernet for complete control via a web-browser, or iPhone. Cost? $6000.
Just got my copy of the newly updated Video Systems in an IT Environment: The Essential of Networked Media and File-Based Workflows. This book contends that "IT, for the most part, is becoming invisible and woven into the fabric of A/V solutions". A real world example of this is explored in Creative Cow Magazine's latest issue Heavy Lifting. They take the reader on a tour of the LA post facility Digital Film Tree who explain how they have "embraced new, disruptive low-cost technologies" that are a mix of A/V and IT technologies. It was instrumental in their work on the Jet Li, Jackie Chan film The Forbidden Kingdom.
Hope you find these links useful. Check back every Monday for 5 new ones.

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