> From the Final Cut User blog, a future iPhone app by Cinemek: the Hitchcock Mobile Storyboard Composer. It looks very robust and I doubt it will be a .99-cent app either.
> While we're still talking about pre-production, check out Celtx which is open source media pre-production software. You can't beat free.
> "All ready ?!" Yep, the world's first iPhone 3GS Film Competition is already here.
> Animata brings us open source real-time animation software.
> Tired of the cookie-cutter sound effects in Soundtrack Pro? Well, make your own with SFX Machine RT. Definitely check out the interactive SFX Machine simulator - it's hilarious. This plug-in works in Soundtrack Pro, Garage Band, Pro Tools and hopefully Final Cut Pro soon. And if you buy the plug-in before the end of August it's half off ($50).
> A slick looking text-animation plug-in called Motype for FCP, Motion and After Effects.
> The Art of the Title Sequence is a great site that shows the most cutting-edge title sequences in films from around the world. Their archive also has a lot of great ones from the past like the classic one from "Se7en".
> On2 has been in the news a lot lately because of the Google acquisition but they have also quietly released an update to their game changing On2VP6 codec. The new codec, On2VP8, promises to have even better compression than H.264. Well, if anyone can do it, they can.
> And check out InqScribe for simple transcription and subtitling. I wish this were available as a plug-in for FCP.
> Last but not least: the funniest demo reel I've ever seen. btw, this is for mature (or not so mature) audiences only.
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