Ok, it's harder than I thought it was going to be coming up with thoughtful and engaging posts every week. So I'll take the easy way out. Links. Once a month I'll put out links to the latest info I've found on the web relating to film, video and new media. This will buy me a little more time to come up with long brilliant posts. Yeah, right.
It looks like YouTube is
bringing YouTube to the TV.
Twitter Job Search Engine has come out just in the nick of time.
Michael Critz has a great post on his site about a new app called
Expansion Slot Utility that gives the user options on how to assign lane bandwidth to the PCI bus.
A post about Adobe's announcement of
new Flash platform tools.
Panasonic is now offering
cheaper P2 cards ($420 for 16GB and $625 for 32GB).
A great review of
music libraries.
Web designers rejoice, a new Adobe service puts browsers
side by side.
This isn't new - just new to me. The
Huey by Pantone is an inexpensive video monitor calibration tool. You may also want to compare it to the popular
Spyder 2 among
You may never have to key footage again if it's up to the guys over at All Bets Are Off. They sell
pre-keyed alpha stock footage.
If you live in NY, try to make it out to Manhattan Edit Workshop's
Edit Fest NY, June 12 -14. They'll be A-list panels, classes and partying. I'm jealous.
Not to be outdone on the west coast, LAFCPUG will be putting on the
1st Annual London SuperMeet - with special guest (the one and only)
Walter Murch, on June 25.
And lastly, the anticipation for
WWDC here in San Francisco is reaching a fever pitch. I just couldn't resist the
WWDC 2009 predictions on the Mac Soda blog. Final Cut Studio 3 anyone?...